Newsletter - Summer 2024




Volunteer Digital Champions

At the practice, we have a few volunteer groups - drivers, patient participation - and we are currently looking to have some volunteer digital champions added to our pool of patients supporting improvements in the practice.

What will a digital champion do?

We are hoping to run some NHS App support sessions at the practice, and the Digital Champion will work alongside the practice team to deliver some coaching sessions for any patient who would like to use the NHS App, but are unsure how or where to start. 

The amount of time required will depend of the demand for the sessions, but we are hping around 2 hours per month.

You will run the coaching sessions during opening hours of the practice so there will always be the support of the practice team in the building.

Why are we doing this?

The NHS App is the very best way to request your repeat prescriptions, review your recent test results and view your medical record from point of access. The app means patients will have this information at their fingertips, and will not necessarily spend time waiting on the phone to speak to someone.

How do you become a volunteer?

Please use the Contact Us Form with FAO Summer Kendall, and someone will be in touch.


NHS App Support

We are currently looking at our digital access and the needs of our patients. We know there may be a number of patients whow would happily use digital services such as NHS App, but may need help when first setting up the App or may need help feeling confident to use the App. 

We are hoping to run some coaching sessions, delivered by patient volunteers, in the future that will help patients set up the App on their devices, and explain how the app can beneift patients.

If this is something you think you would benefit from, please speak to one of our patient navigators about completing a questionnaire.

Once we have a sense of how many patients would like these coaching sessions, we will be able to plan and then communicate with patients about requirements for the coaching sessions.


Sping Booster Clinics

Thank you to everyone who came along to the spring booster clinic. We vaccinated 1073 patients across both Horfield Health Centre and Gloucester Road Medical Centre. 

This was the first time we ran the clinics across the two practices and it went really smoothly. We have had some amazing feedback from those who attended - thank you so much for the positive comments and these have been communicated to the team.

We will provide more information about the Autumn boosters as soon as we have it.

Volunteer Drivers Scheme

What is it?

Horfield Health Centre run a volunteer drivers service, in which they help those who are otherwise unable to get to the practice attend their appointments. 

We have decided to extend the service to Gloucester Road Medical Centre too, using the same group of volunteers for both practices.

If you are having rouble getting to appointments or you rely on family or neighbouts to bring you, you may benefit from this service.

How does it work?

If you require this service, please contact our Transport Coordinator between 10am-4pm weekdays on 0117 951 3080 giving at least 48 hours notice.

the coordinator will then find a driver who is available to pick up your request. The driver will call you before the appointment to make sure everything is good to go on the day and will bring you to the practice, wait for you, and then take you home again.

The drivers can also take you to Southmead, however, they would only be able to drop you off rather than wait for the appointment to finish.

Because we are using the same coordinator across both practices, when calling to request a trip, please state the practice you are attending to make it easier for the drivers to know where you are needing to go.

A donation of £3 would be appreciated to cover the cost of petrol.

Want to become a driver?

If you are over 55 and are interested in becoming a volunteer driver, please fill in Contact Us Form FAO Summer Kendall and we will contact you back with more information. Alternatively, you can visit for more information.


Summer Sun

I for one am happy for the warmer weather and longer days! Walks without wellies, pub gardens after work, Saturdays pottering in the garden. Although we are happy for the sun, we need to make sure we are staying safe whilst outside. Here are a number of ways to stay safe:

  • Cover as much of your skin as possible - especially shoulders as they burn easy!
  • Wear a hat to keep your face out of the sun.
  • Sunglasses with UV filters are essential!
  • Sunscreen! SPF30+ applied generously 30 minutes before going outside and at least every two hours - don't forget the SPF30 lip balm.
  • Shade! We all like the sun, but keeping in the shade between 11am and 3pm will protect you from the sun  - just 10 minutes of strong sunlight can burn pale skin.

Published: Jul 1, 2024