



A large part of your maternity care will be carried out by your midwife. You will see the midwife at an early stage in your pregnancy for a booking appointment, when you will be given a lot of information about antenatal care, blood tests, scans and preparing for parenthood.

Please contact the midwifery service soon after you have found out that you are pregnant. The location of your midwife will depend on where you live. Please ring the centralised booking team on 0117 3420850 or email:

Postnatal care is also undertaken by the midwife team in liaison with the practice GPs. The GPs offer a post-natal check 6 weeks after delivery.


Further Information

If you are pregnant, and considering an abortion, call the Unity Central Booking Line for advice and support. You can make this call, or someone else can for you.

Unity Central Booking Line: 0345 872 5435

More information can be found on the Unity Sexual Health website.

You can always book a GP appointment to talk things through.