Young People




Any young person can make an appointment to see a GP by themselves and it will be kept confidential (unless we are worried that you or someone else will come to harm in which case we would need to think about who else to involve). You can also come with a parent and we might ask you if you'd like to talk to a doctor or nurse alone if that would be easier. More information on this click here.

Are you looking for advice on:



For information and advice on Contraception, please head to the Contraception and Sexual Health page.


Sexual Health?

  • We can check you out for sexually transmitted infections and talk about how to prevent them. Ask for a 4YP appointment and have a look at Unity Sexual Health for more information.



Gender Issues?


Eating Problems? 


Mental Health? Worried about yourself, a friend or family member?

  • Off the Record provide free counselling in Bristol for the under 25's but there is quite a long waiting list. In the meantime have a look at some of these websites and Apps which have loads of good and reliable advice, videos, blogs and suggestions.
  • Calm Harm AppHelps you to resist or control self-harm
  • Sam UWE Appfor anxiety self management - has a couple of exercises and fun activities to help distract you at the peak of anxiety
  • Kooth also offer some free on-line counselling
  • Young Minds includes section on "Get Help Now"


ChatHealth is a confidential text messaging service enabling 11-19 year olds to contact a healthcare professional outside of school hours.

Send a message to 07731 2263 093. This service is available Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm.